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master system’s ooze clone / “inspired”?


nice game love it


well isnt that amoeeba from inscryption?


And the secret mimic boss from Secrets of Legendaria (The Hex)!

OOH. Scary survival game. i like


When I double click TheOoze_Linux.x86 in Ubuntu 16.04 it says:

There is no application installed for "executable" files.
Do you want to search for an application to open this file?

Other executables run just fine, I'm not sure what's wrong with this one.

Hopefully this won't necro everything, but...

The issue is that the executable flag isn't set. you can right click the file, go to properties, then permissions, then enable execution

For a more "global" solution that'll work, you can cd into the directory and use chmod u+x <filename> to enable it

Very nice game. I played all levels and love the ideas behind the game.
I would be happy about more levels !!

For example with bowman's or other opponents. :)